Achieved 73% Investment Profit rate (ROI) in 4 years, 58% in 2023! H.YF investment record & blog

Achieved 73% Investment Profit rate (ROI) in 4 years, 58% in 2023! H.YF investment record & blog插图
2020-2024, four Years Time Weighted Rate of Return Curve, record is from a NASDAQ listed securities broker company,
Huang YiFeng’s Investment Record

Achieved 73% Investment Profit rate (ROI) in 4 years, 58% in 2023! H.YF investment record & blog插图2
Total Return in The past year (2023 ), 58.8% return on investment(ROI)


my investment record and blog website. Record some investment examples, successes and failures, thoughts, and so on. And I am a personal individual investor, and have not yet joined any investment companies, Perhaps will establish a company later.

Data Details

Account Overview

Comparison details of historical performance benchmarks


Excellent Historical Performance

The above data can clearly measure an investor’s profitability. Almost 60% (58.8%) profit in a year, Investing in stocks, futures, exchange rate, etc. record is from a NASDAQ listed securities broker company, ensuring transparency.

The investment return rates of investors (companies, experts, etc.), Similar to the pilot’s flight safety rate, and doctor’s surgical success rate. (Extended reading: Investment return rate)

A simple example of a 58% return on investment:

Invest only $200,000,

profit = $116,000 / year

Invest $ 1 million,

profit = $580,000/year

And Achieved a total return rate of 73% in 4 years (similar to stocks of some world-renowned investment companies) , so it is an average of 18.25% pre year. expert level performance, Bank deposit is 3.5%.

and My actual investment only started from 2019, subtracting 2 years of beginner time is reasonable, so can expect better performance in the future

I will periodically publish investment records and analysis. If you are interested, you can follow,

and If you are interested in let me helping you manage your assets, you can also contact me,

Facebook for Video of performance records

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H.YF – Huang YiFeng establishing a track record of success that speaks for itself. expert level performance, 25% ROI in 2020, 58.8% in 2023.

After experiencing difficulties, hardships, loneliness, and terrible failures, my profitability has become stronger and more stable

Feel free to Contact to discuss your investment goals and achieve financial success.


Due to the tense international situation, so hereby declare that I (and my immediate family members) have never joined any political party or government department,

If necessary, my bank statements, personal life, personal information, etc. can be publicly verified, (such as family background, friends, past experience, etc)

Feel free to email if you have any opinions on my discussion (or have personal opinions on me), and discuss with reason and evidence,

If there are any unclear wording or any changes in the situation, Will be supplemented and updated again, Thanks for the understanding.

Huang YiFeng

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